2020.10.25 ライフスタイル
原田 健太郎 / Kentaro Harada
As cities shrink due to the population decline, participatory urban farming is gaining attention as an effective approach to utilize suburban land management as well as encouraging residents’ outdoor physical activities. While participants are mainly retired elderly population who participate to urban farming as an exercise, little research evaluates the actual effects. In this study, the physical and mental effects of urban agriculture on participants, especially elderly population, were evaluated quantitatively through surveys using accelerometers and questionnaires. We sent questionnaires about lifestyle and subjective health to 1,700 participants of experience farms and members of organizations for agricultural activities such as green space conservation in 4 municipalities in Tokyo (Nerima City, Nishi Tokyo City, Hino City, Hachioji City) in September and October 2019, and received 716 responses. Additionally, we distributed accelerometers (AM-150, TANITA) to 80 participants and asked them to record the amount of physical activity and the number of steps for 28 days. In this presentation, we report the preliminary report of the survey.