2020.10.25 ライフスタイル
久恒 沙希/Saki Hisatsune
In Japan, the way of living in the suburbs and the value of urban agriculture are being reconsidered. In response to these trends, “Lifestyle with Agriculture” is now drawing attention as an alternative way of living in the suburbs. In this study, we will explore the concept of “Lifestyle with Agriculture” using the profiles of allotment gardens and allotment gardeners in Tokyo. A questionnaire survey will be conducted to identify spatial characteristics and user’s demographic information including place of residence. The questionnaire was distributed to 1175 gardeners in 19 gardens in Nerima, Nishitokyo City, Hino City, and Hachioji City, and 470 gardeners responded. The poster shows the analysis of one farm in Nerima or Nishitokyo City, and one farm in Hino City or Hachioji City, examining “how”, “where” and “what kind of people” use the allotment gardens.