2020.09.07 レジリエンス
飯田 晶子/ Akiko Iida
One of the characteristics of Japanese cities is having farmlands within the high-density urban fabric. This research explores socio-spatial structure of community-based urban food system that are seen in Tokyo suburbs. Based on questionnaire surveys at two experience farms regarding their prosumer-based farming and food sharing called “Osusowake”, the food flows were mapped in ArcGIS. Most participants lived within walking/biking distance of the farms (median: 0.8km) and harvested 55% of their annually consumed vegetables. Additionally, 96% of them practiced “Osusowake” and shared 27% of their production to an average of 4 relatives and/or friends who live close (median: 3.1km). They shared their fresh produce because they want to maintain social connection, as well as because they cannot eat all by themselves. This urban food system are remarkably small and community-based. These farms could play an important role not only in encouraging healthy lifestyles in urban communities, but also in strengthening social ties within them.