
2020.09.07 ライフスタイルレジリエンス都市デザイン


小松崎 暢彦/ Nobuhiko Komatsuzaki




Open spaces have many existence effects and use effects in terms of disaster mitigation. Existence effects are showed in case of fire-spreading interception in conflagration or rainwater infiltration in heavy rain. Furthermore, open spaces are used as evacuation areas or building sites of temporary housing when a natural disaster happens. Agricultural lands can be used by providing fresh food in times of emergency.
This study focuses on the utilization of open spaces for disaster mitigation and tries to measure the sufficiency of open spaces in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Especially, this paper discusses the potential for temporary housing in various open spaces, such as parks, agricultural lands and other vacant lands. How many houses can be constructed for temporary housing in each municipality is analyzed based on the “land use fragmented mesh data.” Then it is compared with the required number of temporary housing which is calculated from the earthquake damage estimation.
