2020.09.07 ライフスタイル
別所 あかね/ Akane Bessho
In ethnically diverse cities, community-based urban agriculture not only provides immigrants physical and mental health benefits, but also functions as a socially inclusive space for immigrants to take part in diverse “roles” in managing agricultural activities among other members. Taking a multiethnic community farm as a case study, the study conducted life history interviews with 15 informants to identify their involvement over time. The results identified three phased roles immigrants engaged: “receiving“–getting beneficial services–, “assisting”––supporting activities while learning–, and “facilitating”– mediating and mentoring other members–. Moreover, it was suggested that a farmland and program management functioned as a platform for informal mentoring among the informants, passing on acquired professional skills and knowledges to the less experienced members. The study indicated that community-based urban agriculture may contribute as a catalyst for immigrants to remove a perceived misconception as socially vulnerable people and advance their involvement into a host society.